#Application 2(b) .text 0x00400000 #Code section #Display the message "Give number A:" li $v0,4 #Load the function number la $a0,read_a #Load the message starting address syscall #Function call #Read the first number li $v0,5 #Load the function number syscall #Function call move $t1,$v0 #Load the first number in $t1 #Display the message "Give number B:" li $v0,4 #Load the function number la $a0,read_b #Load the message starting address syscall #Function call #Read the second number li $v0,5 #Load the function number syscall #Function call move $t2,$v0 #Load the second number in $t2 #Display the message "Give number C:" li $v0,4 #Load the function number la $a0,read_c #Load the message starting address syscall #Function call #Read the third number li $v0,5 #Load the function number syscall #Function call move $t3,$v0 #Load the third number in $t3 #Display the message "\nNumber A=" li $v0,4 #Load the function number la $a0,print_a #Load the message starting address syscall #Function call #Display the first number li $v0,1 #Load the function number move $a0,$t1 #Load the first number to be displayed syscall #Function call #Display the message "\nNumber Β=" li $v0,4 #Load the function number la $a0,print_b #Load the message starting address syscall #Function call #Display the second number li $v0,1 #Load the function number move $a0,$t2 #Load the second number to be displayed syscall #Function call #Display the message "\nNumber C=" li $v0,4 #Load the function number la $a0,print_c #Load the message starting address syscall #Function call #Display the third number li $v0,1 #Load the function number move $a0,$t3 #Load the third number to be displayed syscall #Function call #Program termination li $v0,10 #Load the function number syscall #Function call .data #Data section read_a: .asciiz "Give number A:" read_b: .asciiz "Give number B:" read_c: .asciiz "Give number C:" print_a: .asciiz "\nNumber A=" print_b: .asciiz "\nNumber B=" print_c: .asciiz "\nNumber C="