#Application 6 .text 0x00400000 #Code section #Read number li $v0,5 #Load the function number syscall #Function call move $t1,$v0 #Load the number in $t1 #Display the message "\nNumber=" li $v0,4 #Load the function number la $a0,arith #Load the message starting address syscall #Function call #Display number li $v0,1 #Load the function number move $a0,$t1 #Load the number to be displayed syscall #Function call #Check number bgtz $t1,mega #If $t1>0, then goto mega bltz $t1,mikr #If $t1<0, then goto mikr #$t1=0 #Display the message "\nNumber=0" li $v0,4 #Load the function number la $a0,miden_msg #Load the message starting address syscall #Function call j exodos #Goto to program termination mega: #Code for $t1>0 #Display the message "\nNumber>0" li $v0,4 #Load the function number la $a0,meg_msg #Load the message starting address syscall #Function call j exodos #Goto program termination mikr: #Code for $t1<0 #Display the message "\nNumber<0" li $v0,4 #Load the function number la $a0,mik_msg #Load the message starting address syscall #Function call exodos: #Program termination li $v0,10 #Load the function number syscall #Function call .data #Data section meg_msg: .asciiz "\nNumber>0" mik_msg: .asciiz "\n