PSOC-1 (8bit)

Papazoglou Software-Oriented Computer-1


The PSOC-1 (Papazoglou Software-Oriented Computer) is an 8-bit educational computer that can be programmed in binary mode. The system is based on the Arduino MEGA 2560 platform, with the entire computer's operation handled by software within the microcontroller. The PSOC-1 features a physical user interface with LEDs and buttons.

It supports a set of assembly instructions that can be stored as 8-bit binary numbers in memory. Users interact with the system via LEDs and buttons using the binary system. For example, the instruction LOAD A, 5 is coded as 1, 5 (instruction code 1). In binary form, this instruction is represented as 0000 0001 and 0000 0101 respectively. To store the instruction in memory starting from location 10, the starting address is set as 0000 1010 (where address[10] = 1 and address[11] = 5).

The PCB supports both the electronic circuit and the user interface (front panel).

Inside the PSOC-1

The Arduino MEGA 2560 is used to eliminate the need for external circuits to support multiple I/O pins (LEDs and buttons). A dual-purpose PCB has been designed for the front panel, supporting both LED and button operation, as well as the front panel interface. By using a PCB for the front panel, there is no need for an aluminum or 3D-printed panel.

All system components are soldered onto the same board, so no cables are required. The PSOC-1 is a compact version of the prototype, which is also shown on the same page below.

To avoid using cables, the PSOC-1 PCB connects directly to the Arduino MEGA 2560 via metal pins, like a shield.

The PCB Panel and Circuit

  • 2-layer PCB = double role
  • Double role = panel and circuit
  • Front layer = front panel, no circuit
  • Back layer = electronic circuit
  • PCB front panel = replacing 3d designed panel
  • SMD-type pads and resistors are used to restrict the circuit to the back layer. Only LEDs are THT (front layer=LED light, back layer=connection)

Front and back layer


Register A,B,C

General Purpose

Index Register (INR)

Accessing successive memory locations

Program Counter (PC)

Starting address of the next instruction to be executed

Address Register (AR)

Current Address for STORE or READ content

Data Register (AR)

Holds the last byte that is represented by the LEDs status

Input Register (IR)

Decimal representation of the LEDs status (during input phase)

Output Register (OR)

The content of OR is directly shown in the LEDs


All addresses are expressed as 8-bit values, providing 256 available locations (Table 1). However, some locations are reserved for system operations. System registers are directly mapped to memory locations, making access and operation straightforward.

The memory addresses from 201 to 255 are reserved for future use, while the user can freely use the memory range from 10 to 200 for instructions and data.

Please note that some registers are not used in current version of the 8bit computer (e.g. Registers B,C,INR and DR)

Binary/Assembly instructions

The computer operation from the user’s point of view is based on a custom assembly language and the practical programming is performed through binary system. Based on this approach, the user understands how a computer works and is free to make any desired modifications.

The whole computer operation is based on software that is executed within the microcontroller of the Arduino. Thus, new assembly instructions can be developed or the existing can be modified.

In current model, only some indicative assembly instructions have been implemented.

Indicative instructions

LOAD A,i (code 000)

Load an integer value (0-255) in register A

STORE [m],A (code 002)

Store register A in memory location m

INC A (code 003)


DEC A (code 004)


JNZ m (code 5)

If register A > 0, then goto address m

Every instruction reserves two bytes in memory (byte 1: instruction code, byte 2: parameter)

HALT (code 99)

Program Termination

Assembling the KIT

The KIT consists of three main components: the PCB panel/circuit, a 16x2 LCD display, and an Arduino MEGA 2560.

Testing an Assembly program

Assembly program

LOAD A,5 ; A=5

start: ; a label


DEC A ; A=A-1

JNZ start ; If A>0, goto start

HALT ; Program Termination

Byte code in memory

ADDR [10]: 1 5

ADDR [12]: 2 8

ADDR [14]: 4 0

ADDR [16]: 5 12

ADDR [18]: 99 0

8bit binary

ADDR [10]: 0000 0001, 0000 0101

ADDR [12]: 0000 0010, 0000 1000

ADDR [14]: 0000 0100, 0000 0000

ADDR [16]: 0000 0101, 0000 1100

ADDR [18]: 0110 0011, 0000 0000

Storing the program in memory

Storing the program codes at addresses [10, 11, 12, 13] and verify(for reference).

Storing and executing the program

Storing the program

1010 [SET ADDR]
[CLR B7-B0] ; Set starting address 10
0001 [WRDATA] ; Store 1 in address 10
[CLR B7-B0]
0101 [WRDATA] ; Store 5 in address 11
0010 [WRDATA] ; Store 2 in address 12
[CLR B7-B0]
1000 [WRDATA] ; Store 8 in address 13
[CLR B7-B0]
0100 [WRDATA] ; Store 4 in address 14
[CLR B7-B0]
[WRDATA] ; Store 0 in address 15
0101 [WRDATA] ; Store 5 in address 16
[CLR B7-B0]
1100 [WRDATA] ; Store 12 in address 17
[CLR B7-B0]
0110 0011 [WRDATA] ; Store 99 in address 18
[CLR B7-B0]

[WRDATA] ; Store 0 in address 19

* Note that after pressing the [WRDATA] button, the address is automatically increased.

Executing the program

The Program Counter (PC) contains the Starting address of the next instruction to be executed. The program starts at address 10 and thus, the value 10 has to be stored in this register. The PC Regster is mapped in address 4.

Required steps:

1/ the button [CLR B7-B0] is pressed ; Clear LEDs

2/ the value 0100 (4 in decimal) is set on LEDs

3/ the button [SET ADDR] is pressed ; set active address

4/ the button [CLR B7-B0] is pressed ; Clear LEDs

5/ the value 1010 (10 in decimal) is set on LEDs

6/ the button [WRDATA] is pressed ; store 10 in address 4

7/ the button [CLR B7-B0] is pressed ; Clear LEDs

The program execution starts by pressing the button [START]

Executing the program

A loop counting down from 5 to 1 will be performed step by step by pressing the [START] button successively.


Using a Raspberry Pi inside PSOC-1

View live the register contents

Inspired by the Vintage!

Rediscover computers by using binary programming once again

8bit Computer / First Version

The story

It’s exciting to be inspired by the pioneers of the first personal computers, and this is part of the legacy of the vintage computer era. In 1970, John Blankenbaker designed a unique machine for its time, the first personal computer, named the Kenbak-1, which became available in 1971—earlier than any commercial microprocessor. This computer is programmed using a binary system through buttons, allowing users direct access to physical memory locations. The Kenbak-1 has no display output except for eight LEDs, which represent byte values from specific memory locations. Addresses and data are entered manually by setting the LED status using the front panel buttons.

Inspired by the general concept of the Kenbak-1, a new 8-bit educational computer (8bitCOMP) has been developed. While inspired by the Kenbak-1, the 8bitCOMP features a completely different design and implementation. Specifically, it is implemented in software within a microcontroller and features a physical user interface with LEDs and buttons.

Inside the 8bitCOMP

The Arduino MEGA 2560 is used to avoid the need for external circuits to support multiple I/O pins (LEDs and buttons). A dual-purpose PCB has been designed for the front panel, supporting both LED and button operation, as well as the front panel interface.

By using a PCB for the front panel, no aluminium or 3D-printed panel is required.

The PCB Panel and Circuit

  • 2-layer PCB = double role
  • Double role = panel and circuit
  • Front layer = front panel, no circuit
  • Back layer = electronic circuit
  • PCB front panel = replacing 3d designed panel
  • SMD-type pads and resistors are used to restrict the circuit to the back layer. Only LEDs are THT (front layer=LED light, back layer=connection)

Front and back layer


Register A,B,C

General Purpose

Index Register (INR)

Accessing successive memory locations

Program Counter (PC)

Starting address of the next instruction to be executed

Address Register (AR)

Current Address for STORE or READ content

Data Register (AR)

Holds the last byte that is represented by the LEDs status

Input Register (IR)

Decimal representation of the LEDs status (during input phase)

Output Register (OR)

The content of OR is directly shown in the LEDs


All addresses are expressed as 8-bit values, providing 256 available locations (Table 1). However, some locations are reserved for system operations. System registers are directly mapped to memory locations, making access and operation straightforward.

The memory addresses from 201 to 255 are reserved for future use, while the user can freely use the memory range from 10 to 200 for instructions and data.

Please note that some registers are not used in current version of the 8bit computer (e.g. Registers B,C,INR and DR)

Binary/Assembly instructions

The computer operation from the user’s point of view is based on a custom assembly language and the practical programming is performed through binary system. Based on this approach, the user understands how a computer works and is free to make any desired modifications.

The whole computer operation is based on software that is executed within the microcontroller of the Arduino. Thus, new assembly instructions can be developed or the existing can be modified.

In current model, only some indicative assembly instructions have been implemented.

Indicative instructions

LOAD A,i (code 000)

Load an integer value (0-255) in register A

STORE [m],A (code 002)

Store register A in memory location m

INC A (code 003)


DEC A (code 004)


JNZ m (code 5)

If register A > 0, then goto address m

Every instruction reserves two bytes in memory (byte 1: instruction code, byte 2: parameter)

HALT (code 99)

Program Termination

First Demo

In this demo, the number 3 will be stored in address 12, and the operation will be verified at the end.

Testing an Assembly program

Assembly program

LOAD A,5 ; A=5

start: ; a label


DEC A ; A=A-1

JNZ start ; If A>0, goto start

HALT ; Program Termination

Byte code in memory

ADDR [10]: 1 5

ADDR [12]: 2 8

ADDR [14]: 4 0

ADDR [16]: 5 12

ADDR [18]: 99 0

8bit binary

ADDR [10]: 0000 0001, 0000 0101

ADDR [12]: 0000 0010, 0000 1000

ADDR [14]: 0000 0100, 0000 0000

ADDR [16]: 0000 0101, 0000 1100

ADDR [18]: 0110 0011, 0000 0000

Storing the program in memory

Storing the program codes at addresses [10, 11, 12, 13] (for reference).

Storing and executing the program

Storing the program

1010 [SET]
[CLEAR] ; Set starting address 10
0001 [STORE] ; Store 1 in address 10
0101 [STORE] ; Store 5 in address 11
0010 [STORE] ; Store 2 in address 12
1000 [STORE] ; Store 8 in address 13
0100 [STORE] ; Store 4 in address 14
[STORE] ; Store 0 in address 15
0101 [STORE] ; Store 5 in address 16
1100 [STORE] ; Store 12 in address 17
0110 0011 [STORE] ; Store 99 in address 18

[STORE] ; Store 0 in address 19

* Note that after pressing the [STORE] button, the address is automatically increased.

Executing the program

The Program Counter (PC) contains the Starting address of the next instruction to be executed. The program starts at address 10 and thus, the value 10 has to be stored in this register. The PC Regster is mapped in address 4.

Required steps:

1/ the button [CLEAR] is pressed ; Clear LEDs

2/ the value 0100 (4 in decimal) is set on LEDs

3/ the button [SET] is pressed ; set active address

4/ the button [CLEAR] is pressed ; Clear LEDs

5/ the value 1010 (10 in decimal) is set on LEDs

6/ the button [STORE] is pressed ; store 10 in address 4

7/ the button [CLEAR] is pressed ; Clear LEDs

The program execution starts by pressing the button [START]

Executing the program

A loop counting down from 5 to 1 will be performed step by step by pressing the [START] button successively.

Associate Professor Dr. Panayotis (Panos) Papazoglou

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA)
Dept. of Digital Arts and Cinema

contact: papaz [at] uoa [dot] gr

Copyright © Dr. Panayotis (Panos) Papazoglou